It's really hard to have 99,9% of your participants from Holaluz really happy after working with Florian. But he achieves this training after training! #EsPosible
It's hard to repeat, and repeat, and repeat the same training, and doing every time with even more passion and energy. Flo doesn't stop!! #KeepRowing
It's not an easy thing to work with such a different group of persons, and adapting yourself to each of them. You need to really care about people #AlwaysPeopleFirst
At Holaluz, people are waiting for their turn to work with Florian because all their mates told them how incredible he is. He was born for this! #SayThingsAsTheyAre
And finally, learning while having fun is the most powerful way I know for growing #HaveFun
Flo is 100% aligned with our Holaluz values. And it's an authentic pleasure having him as part of our team!!
Oriol Vila, Former CEO